Lean Flow Consulting
About Lean Flow Consulting
- Lean Flow Consulting SARL - 2, rue Jean Bart - 18000 Bourges (France)
- Phone : +33 (0) 676 730 692 - Fax
: +33 (0) 248 505 667 - Email :
- SIREN B 518 743 554 RCS Bourges - NAF 7022Z
information about Lean Flow Consulting
Consulting & Assistance
- Lean Flow Consulting assists steering
committee and top-management to define improvement strategies shared
with all key people involved in your process
of transformation.
- Lean Flow Consulting supports and leads members and dedicated
teams throughout, and for each step of your Continuous Improvement,
Lean Manufacturing, Lean Office and Lean Enterprise initiatives
- Definition of assessment and improvement plan,
- Identification of training
courses requirements,
- Specifics training sessions for implementation teams,
- Assistance to simplify,
redesign and optimize material flows,
- Support to implement visual management
- Follow-up until the appropriation of methodology by the Customer.
- Lean Flow Consulting also assists manufacturing companies
for punctual or specific events such as :
- Value stream management in the offices
(Lean Office),
- Supply chains optimization,
- Mixed-Model Value Stream Mapping,
- Implementation of material replenishment with
- Statistical Process Control (SPC),
- 7-Steps Problems solving methodology, ...
the Lean Flow Consulting Brochure (Adobe
Acrobat Reader required)
Skills & Knowledge
- Master in Demand Flow® Technology.
- Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.
- Lean Manufacturing & Lean
- 17 years of flow manufacturing experience
in worldwide companies :
- HVAC/R Products & Equipment,
- Aerospace, Electronic,
- Automotive, ...
- Employees & project
team members training :
- Demand Flow® Technology,
- 6 Sigma & Statistical Process Control,
- Value Stream Mapping,
- Lean Manufacturing & Lean Flow Technology,
- Lean Office,
- eVSM Software,
- Demand Flow® Technology Training Centers implementation,
- Lean Flow Technology & Lean
Manufacturing project teams assistance,
- Mixed-Model lines, cells & fabrication
feeders design & implementations,
- Production facilities rearrangement in France & Europe,
- Technology transfer
- 6 Sigma Black-Belt projects leader.
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