Transition-To- Lean Flow Technology Roadmap
Phase 1 - Adopt Lean
Flow Technology Thinking
Obtain management commitment to apply and
involve themselves in a Transformation Processes, consistent with its
- Build Company Strategy.
- Foster LFT Learning.
- Make the Commitment.
- Obtain Management Full Buy-in.
Phase 2 - Organization
& Education
Prepare, organize and train "Key" resources
to deploy Lean Flow Technology Methodology.
- Define Core Objectives & Scope of Project.
- Select Project Leader.
- Define Benefits.
- Inform & Communicate the Stakes of Project.
- Select Product & Process
Team Leader.
- Select Implementation Team Members.
- Define Project Milestones.
- Train Implementation Team to LFT.
- Prepare Evolution of Employees.
- Train all Employees.
Phase 3 - Data Gathering
For each product, establish a Value Stream
Mapping that shows the entire production and information flow to meet
the Customer demands, in quantity, mix and quality.
- Identify Products.
- Define Demand at Capacity.
- List Material used to make each Product.
- Identify Processes.
- Draw Current Value Stream Maps and Product Synchronization.
- Create Mixed-Model
Process Map.
- Validate Demand at Capacity.
- Collect all Factors Influencing Demand.
- Define Product Families.
- Select Representative Products.
- Write Standard SOE's for all Representative
- Define Changeover & Setup Times.
Phase 4 - Application
& Line Design
Study, design and draw a new organization
able to manufacture all products by developing employees abilities'
and knowledge's.
- Review – Modify BOM's.
- Calculate Takt-Time.
- Validate all Standard SOE's.
- Calculate Line Design.
- Optimize Cycle Times.
- Finalize Product Synchronization.
- Write all SOE's.
- Calculate – Validate Final Line Design.
- Define Pull Sequences & Types
of Kanbans.
- Define – Validate Inventory Strategy.
- Calculate Kanban Quantities.
- Define Operations & Resources.
- Draw Operational Method Sheets.
- Define Operators Abilities.
- Define – Validate Capital Expenditure Plan & ROI.
- Define – Validate Implementation
Milestone Plan.
- Draw – Validate Implementation Lay-Out.
- Build Transition Stock of
Finished Goods.
Phase 5 - Shop Floor
Transform physically and culturally the Company.
Manage an advanced production system.
- Define Rules & Procedures.
- Cross-Train Operators.
- Implement Cells and Lines.
- Implement Kanbans and Supply with Material.
- Build & Implement Work-In-Process.
- Implement Visual Control Systems.
- Adapt Computer Systems to One Piece
Flow Production Management.
- Organize Flexibility of Operators.
- Reassign Operators.
- Re-deploy Assets.
- Start-Up Lines & Cells.
- Measure Performance.
Phase 6 - Improvement
Improve Customer satisfaction.
Improve production capacity, employees flexibility and inventory turns.
Reduce cost production and cycle time.
- Involve Employees.
- Eliminate – Reduce Waste.
- Manage Daily Customers Demands.
- Associate "Key" Suppliers to
Kanban Management.
- Improve Operators Flexibility.
- Reduce – Optimize Setup Times.
- Implement SMED.
- Eliminate Quality Criteria (TQC).
- Implement Poka-Yoke.
- Implement TPM.
- Achieve Processes Control (SPC).
Phase 7 - Performance
Control target objectives achievement.
- Analyze Performance Measures.
Phase 8 - Perfection
Strive for Perfection along the LFT Journey.
(Since Phase 8 is unique in that the
actions shown take place at any and at numerous times concurrently with Phase
3 through 6)
- Remove Barriers.
- Maintain & Improve the Level of LFT Expertise.
- Deploy LFT Methodology
no later than Product Definition Phase.
- Eliminate NVA.
- Institute 5S.
- Improve Quality.
- Institute Kaizen Events.
- Implement the Design for Manufacturing concept.
- Encourage "Key" Suppliers
to Implement LFT Methodology.
More details including on Lean
Flow Technology Roadmap
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