Transition-To- Lean Flow Technology Roadmap

Phase 1 - Adopt Lean Flow Technology Thinking

Obtain management commitment to apply and involve themselves in a Transformation Processes, consistent with its Strategy.

Phase 2 - Organization & Education

Prepare, organize and train "Key" resources to deploy Lean Flow Technology Methodology.

Phase 3 - Data Gathering

For each product, establish a Value Stream Mapping that shows the entire production and information flow to meet the Customer demands, in quantity, mix and quality.

Phase 4 - Application & Line Design

Study, design and draw a new organization able to manufacture all products by developing employees abilities' and knowledge's.

Phase 5 - Shop Floor Rearrangement

Transform physically and culturally the Company.
Manage an advanced production system.

Phase 6 - Improvement

Improve Customer satisfaction.
Improve production capacity, employees flexibility and inventory turns.
Reduce cost production and cycle time.

Phase 7 - Performance Measures

Control target objectives achievement.

Phase 8 - Perfection

Strive for Perfection along the LFT Journey.
(Since Phase 8 is unique in that the actions shown take place at any and at numerous times concurrently with Phase 3 through 6)

... More details including on Lean Flow Technology Roadmap

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